TAGS: parable, monster

Little Lamb.

"This parable is about the fact that not everything and especially not everyone can be what they seem at first glance. Monsters often hide under sheep’s clothing."

The Little Lamb joined the orderly ranks of the herd of sheep when the herd was already grazing in the mountain meadows. In addition to several sheep and adult rams, which constantly collided with their thick foreheads against each other, there was one Goat in the herd. He led the herd.

At first, the Rams reacted with distrust to the appearance of The Little Lamb. However, he bleated like everyone else: "Be-be-be-be-be-be! Be-be-be-be-be!" The Sheep bleated in response.

And the Lamb became his own. Nobody paid attention to how he got underfoot.

But one day, one adult Ram decided to challenge the Goat and become the leader of the herd himself. The moment was convenient. The Goat just hesitated on the edge of the cliff, and the Ram wanted to throw him into the abyss. He bowed his head, crowned with large horns, and rushed straight at The Goat. The Goat also put its horns forward. What could he do? Nevertheless, at the last moment, when The Ram was already close to him, he did not collide with The Ram head-on, but simply took a step to the side, and The Ram flew into the abyss. The goat calmly followed him with his gaze, and the other rams did not stop chewing melancholy.

"Tell me, uncle, why are you such a goat?" The Little Lamb just asked.

"But there's no other way with sheep," he answered, shaking his beard. "You have to be a goat with sheep. Otherwise, you will become a sheep yourself. Only sheep collide with their heads."

Time passed, and the herd reached the desired mountain valley full of lush grass and surrounded by a rocky wall. Finally, they could relax and gain fat. However, at that moment something strange happened to The Little Lamb. His skin suddenly began to shrink. Or rather, it was not the skin that began to shrink. This lamb began to increase in height. Then, from under the sheep's wool, long gray paws appeared, and the sheep/s head slid to the back of the head, revealing a long, toothy mouth. In the end, this entire outfit fell to the ground, and in the middle of the herd, stretching its stiff shoulders, stood a young Gray Wolf.

"Me-me-me!" The Goat bleated in surprise. "It turns out that someone who looks like a sheep may not be one. Why were you hiding under sheep's clothing?"

"To get closer to prey, you don/t need to demonstrate your desires and true self. We must hide our intentions and strength," answered the Gray Wolf. "And now I'm hungry."
